Fall Move-In

Welcome to your CC Home! 我们强烈建议您在解决问题时参考本网站. 帮助你尽可能顺利地过渡到大学生活, 搬家信息会定期在这里发布. 不要忘记经常检查你的抄送邮件帐户, 这样你就不会错过任何重要的邮件或截止日期!

New Student Move-In will occur on Monday, August 19, 2024 for NSO.

返校学生入住将开始 Friday August 23, 2024 and continue through the weekend. 



计划好你要带什么来学校总是一个好主意. Good news! We've created a packing list for you! 请务必查看校园内不允许携带的物品的完整清单 pathfinder. 


New Student Move-In Instructions

抵达校园后的第一站将是塔瓦广场的迎新报到帐篷. Check in will begin at 7:45 AM, 学生将在哪里获取他们的NSO资料, CC ID/Gold Card, and verifying immunization paperwork. 一旦你拿到了你的名牌,就可以进入第二步了! 

Please more information look at NSO website 

完成登记手续后, 你们将离开沃纳中心前往指定的卸货区. A Campus Map can be found here. 

Loomis Hall

Entrances: 南侧的无障碍入口设有PAD
Elevator: 24-hour card access to all floors
Restrooms: 一楼有男女无障碍洗手间
All-Gender Restrooms: Two accessible in lobby; also accessible on ground, first, second, and third floors in north wings
Water Fountains: Near first floor restrooms

Mathias Hall

Entrances: North side from Uintah (no curb cuts); accessible entrance on south side from parking
Elevator: 24-hour card access to all floors
Restrooms: 一楼有男女无障碍洗手间
All-Gender Restrooms: Accessible in core, near elevator; also accessible on all floors in west and east wings
Water Fountains: Near first floor men's restroom

South Hall

Entrances: Accessible entrance from south side through South Courtyard; accessible entrance to South Commons on north side of west wing; north side from campus quad
Elevator: 24-hour card access to all floors
All-Gender Restrooms: 一楼主大厅和建筑的所有侧翼均可到达
Water Fountains: All floors near elevator
ALDs: South Commons
Note: 南公共空间位于一楼西翼

After unloading items, 请将您的车辆从卸货区移开,以便为其他居民腾出更多的空间卸货. 请务必遵循校园标志或参考我们的 campus map

搬完车后,你应该拆完行李安顿下来! 这将是你的家,也是你大学之旅的开始——让它舒适而个性化! 
当您完成设置您的空间时,请参考 NSO Schedule因为这将是你下一个要去的地方! 

请只带必要的个人来支持你的入住. Our campus is face-covering friendly.

请只允许客人进入指定的大楼, room, 和用餐设施,而陪同您(住户分配的空间) 

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Returning Student Move-In

返校的学生可以重新开始 2024年8月23日,周五,早上8点到周末. 您需要携带您的CCID来办理登记手续.您可以在三大前台之一办理入住手续:

Mathias: East Campus 

Loomis: 老城、西岭和语言屋 




When can I move in? 

一年级和新转学生可以在2024年8月19日星期一搬家. Doors will open at 8:00 AM. 

Can I move in early? 

Only under specific circumstances. You will apply for this through the Housing Portal.  


Here is our suggested item! 请注意,这对你来说并不全面,你可能不需要这个清单上的所有东西. 

What does my room look like?

Our Traditional Halls, also called the "Big Three", 是为所有大一新生提供社区式生活的大型住宅吗. You can review floor plans below:

Loomis Hall | Mathias Hall  | South Hall

I want to change my room. 我如何提交换房请求? 



How can I see who my roommate is?

你可以查看你的室友,或者重新登录到 housing portal. 点击“学生登录”,选择2024秋季申请. From here, 你将被引导到“申请审查”部分,在那里你可以查看你室友的名字, answer to profile questions, 以及传递信息的能力! 

How does mail work?

Please visit Mail Services,因为他们会有最新的信息! 


 所有住在“三巨头”的一年级学生都在全力以赴 meal plan. 


赌博正规的十大网站校园内的停车位有限,需求量很大. 虽然学院尽其所能提供足够的停车位, 作为一个位于市中心社区的住宿校园,停车经常是一个挑战. 停车资源是一种稀缺资源,由于缺乏足够的停车位,因此只能将校内住宅作为第二种停车方式, third, and fourth-year students, staff, and faculty.

赌博正规的十大网站致力于为我们的社区提供安全的交通选择, healthy, and accessible. Please visit our, 自行车资源地图和校园倡议

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More Questions?

Email us at housing@pugetpullway.com 

关注我们的Instagram @ccresidentialexperience 

Report an issue - Last updated: 03/18/2024